Friday, January 13, 2012

good news

Sopa Law update.

M7, 2012

About us

The UEIR is a Republic of Kings, Not a democracy.
We govern from the Otherworld of Duat, and visit Earth (etc.) to conquer the Living and establish Civilizations. Each King is a Senator in the Imperial Senate. The Pharaocracy of Niihau is a State within our Empire; it cannot be sold as is to anyone, mortal or immortal, nor stolen via lawsuits or other conspiracies. Our "holy leader", Osiris-Ra, called "the Supreme, Eternal Pharaoh of Netherworld and Living," or "Caesar S7" / "Lord S7" was recognized as "Sovereign Lord" / God of the USA on January 20, 1993 by Rev. Billy Graham of USA. Consul Premier M-7 governed Iapana Province from 1994-2004, then retired; Pharaoh Horus Michael ruled Iapana Technocracy/Kingdom from 2004-2010. USA is part of our immense Empire, after 1993 CE. American Laws are null and void after 1993 Conquest, and are only permitted to exist after an officer of the UEIR is allowed to review it. The UEIR has been advertised by the USA /Empire since 1993; and has ordered military incursions into Iraq, Taliban Afghanistan, Libya, and Iran since 1991.

M7, 2012.

SOPA may seem nice but is illegal in UEIR (We own USA after 1993 CE).

SOPA Law = Spam.

M7-UEIR 2012

"Any law that forbids UEIR from Internet websites is an Obstruction of Imperial Justice, which is a major crime in the UEIR..."

M7, 2012.