Friday, January 23, 2015



Book Description $3.99 on Kindle e-book:

January 22, 2015
"From the mythical origins of the sacred green stones to the life, death, and rebirth of an Egyptian Pharaoh, Tutankhaton is a historical-biographical and science fiction novel written in 1989 CE, during the Cold War era. Though researched and originally designed by the author, whom was not yet in College during the first edition, this story may seem too realistic, especially if one works for the Government and believes the characters are living people. Tutankhaton lives through the words alone."
MC 2015.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Hawaiian Statehood?

Niihau is a Kingdom (Pharaocracy) under Pharaoh (Akua) M7.

The return to Native rule is simple: Find them and they can be our subjects.

The rule of the Akua over the Ali'i is better than some PLO group trying to take over an island that they have no right to, under a meritless lawsuit. 

Pharaoh M7 owns USA and Niihau via the Iniki Conquest of 1992.

Yet no one is asking, they are just telling others.

M7 2015.

Freedoms vs Responsibility

The attack on a French Newspaper could have been avoided.   American Democracy influences the French Government.  While America has Freedoms it has no responsibility for its actions, rather it has a large Military to protect itself from backlash caused by its citizens.  The first attack in France was its sense of Freedom to say anything and get away with it.  If you slap someone and do not receive a reply, this is called the Christian response (turn the other cheek); if you get punched after slapping someone this is a Reality response - you then call the person who punched you a "terrorist or criminal" because you have laws against punching.  So if you slap someone and are carrying a gun in case of a violent reaction -- what are you other than a bully?  USA has laws against Bullying.  France afterwards deliberately provoked the Islamic World by new cartoonist attacks on Islam.  This is an Act of War on Islamic Countries. 

Al Qaeda and the Islamic State are factions that developed when American influences entered the region by force.  USA Presidents push American ideology onto every country it trades with (Human Rights, Democracy, Freedoms, Capitalism Economy, etc.).  It does this to seed American values and lifestyle so it will one day annex these foreign lands.  AQ and IS are the Middle East's Military response to American Imperialism.  They want to conquer the World (Stand in Line - M7-UEIR) and create an Islamic society.  When Governments become corrupt with power, people turn to religion for answers.  In this case it is Islam.  The leader of IS claims to be a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.  Not everyone who is related to Muhammad is Islamic.  By rights I should make my own Caliphate, though I am not Islamic because I am God in this life, according to the CIA who classified me top secret because I conquer countries with my supernatural abilities.  If I wasn't classified perhaps the AQ and IS would have surrendered to me by now (or they forfeit Islam).

M7 UEIR 2015.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Summoning the Army of Light

  "Hail NETRU! I Summon the Army of Light to Overthrow and Subdue the Army of Darkness!"

M7 UEIR 2015.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Niihau Conspiracy revealed

The Conspiracy to Take Over Niihau by a group of Palestinian Arabs has been revealed:

They want to sue Pharaoh M7 for ownership of Niihau Island so they can erect New Palestine on it and make it a country.  Israel could not be more happier to see them go  so they can absorb Gaza and the West Bank once more.  The problems with this theory are Pharaoh M7 owns the Niihau Micronation - not publicly the Island itself.  Unless proven otherwise by a Court Document.  The Robinsons would complain that the Arabs are Trespassing and the USA Military Installation on Niihau (i.e. the Airport they saw on Google Maps) would use the Arabs for target practice if they are allowed on the island (besides the wild boars).  Pharaoh M7 has been collecting information over the past 11+ years on this subject.  No water on Niihau and rising sea levels also defer this idea.  Nonetheless I can allow them 1 month trial ownership to see what they can do about it, if permissible? 

Pharaoh M7, UEIR - Niihau

2015 M7.