Monday, April 25, 2016

Protect Egypt

Egypt is currently under siege by rebellion, only because it "returned foreign property to its rightful owners" and the people believed this property was Egyptian territory. 

May Egypt be Protected and May Order be restored, via Ma'at. 

M7-UEIR 2016.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Counter Moves to NK

We know that North Korean Ruler Kim Jong-Un likes to threaten or push his fear tactics onto other countries (for his amusement).  However when God(s) do this to him, it is not so funny on his part.  Examples:

1.  In 1994 M7 wrote counter threats online at NK Kim Il-Sung;  Sung died later that day of heart failure.  NK was then hit with 7 years of drought and famine.
2.  In 2011 NK Ruler Kim Jong-Il died.  The Drought meant for NK slowly found its way to California, USA (after M7 was angry at USA for disclosing personal information to the Palestinians there; the ones looking to illegally obtain Niihau). 
3.  In 2016 Kim Jong-Un was targeted by M7. One of their subs went missing and Famine is coming to NK (following "terrorist threats" by Un for "nuclear war.").  NK does not have a Psychic Army (we do). 

M7-UEIR 2016.
Kingdom of Niihau, United Egyptian Imperial-Republic.