Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Effective Egyptian Magic 3

Effective Egyptian Magic 3 - From Initiate to Master

Effective Egyptian Magic 3: From Initiate to Master by Horus Michael,
Learn how to cast Egyptian Magic Spells based on energy and written forms, such as: Protection & Counter Magic, Healing, Peace, Wealth Attraction, Weather Manipulation, and Government. Initiate Levels begin by casting one or two spells; Intermediate cast multiple spells; and Masters can cast over 10 active spells at a time. Copyright 2016 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Why E.T. don't want to visit Earth
Why Extra-terrestrials do not want to visit Earth:

1. You (Humans) are "too hostile."
2. They (Aliens) can see nuclear testing on Earth from Space.
3.  They (Aliens) started to visit near Earth in the 1960s after seeing Nuclear Tests on Earth.
4. They (Aliens) last visited Earth when Atlantis was having Nuclear Testing, which is why Atlantis is not on Earth anymore. (Atlantis tried to scare them away by shooting artillery in their direction, and hit one ship that later fell back to Earth and hit our Nuclear Stockpile, imploding Atlantis into the Sea).
5.  Aliens visit in Spirit Form, as it is safer.  Some Angels are from Alien life forms.
6.  Other more advanced Aliens (Emeraldians) are on Earth, and have been since we invited them here during the Dinosaur era (for testing purposes).
7.  Who uses Radio Waves anyway? It's far too primitive.

M7-UEIR 2016.

Friday, August 26, 2016

The Sultan with the Handlebar Moustache

The Sultan with the Handlebar Moustache ~ MJC

An Occult-Antiquities Shop proprietor bequeaths his shop to a young Arab boy in Cairo, Egypt. The boy learns the contents of the shop are of Mystical origins - a Genie in a Lamp, King Solomon's Flying Rug, a Greek Cloak of Invisibility, the Holy Grail Cup, etc. - originally donated by the Templar Knights and Freemasons. He is entrusted with these items with the promise to never sell them to anyone. What he does with the items will forever change modern society.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Hat Neteru - Earn Feathers, Ascend to Heaven...

Hat Neteru - Earn Feathers, Ascend to Heaven - by: Horus Michael, c.2016.

An introduction to the Afterlife of the Ancient Egyptians, via Lord Osiris. In here is a concise description of what happens after death, the natural weighing of the soul, and placement in Heaven as based on earthly actions.

M7 2016.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Protected Reservations

To resolve the American National Debt, I propose the Following:

1.  Lease [or sell] parts of USA - Cities, counties, real estate, etc. - to Foreign Governments. 
2.  By leasing properties you also will not be attacked by those Foreign Governments, as with leasing to Russia, China, Iran, Korea, etc.  No one will want to attack their own property. 
3.  Lease Companies to Foreign Governments or Foreign Billionaires. As is, Foreign Governments already actually own properties in the USA (Saudi Arabia, for example).
4. Pay the Debt using Surplus Revenue at 2% of debt value every time there is a Budget Surplus.
5.  Save Money if unused in projects. 
6.  Reduce normal taxes to save money to pay the Debt.  This will cause a temporary Surplus.
7.  Use Prisoners for contract labor in place of workers to save Capital money from the State.

M7 2016.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Magic wins Gold in Rio

To be Successful in any Endeavor:

 Over a week before the Rio Olympics I told someone, "May the Gods whom you rebuke fill me with success and endless wealth."

USA has won Gold, Silver, and Bronze (i.e. "endless wealth") in the Rio Olympics this week (August 2-9).


Monday, August 8, 2016

Nuclear War cures Climate Change

Nuclear War cures Climate Change
Copyright © 2016 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.

Once all those Great Nations with Nuclear Weapons have their “Grand Party” there will be no more polluting chemicals causing Climate Change (i.e. USA, China, Russia, North Korea, etc.).  The World will get over its initial reaction, minus some radiation, over the next 20 years.  The Polar ice caps will rebuild on their own, now that chemicals are no longer produced by those former industrial nations.  South America will become a new advanced civilization, the Pacific Islands will regain their territory, and Australia will be a lush forest.  The craterous North America will be overgrown with vegetation.  And there will be no more Nuclear weapons!


Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Islamic State is a Micronation

The so-called Islamic State is a Micronation.

It declared itself a Caliphate in 2014.

It pretends to have Government services while occupying land and holding cities hostage.

It may have its own currency, and it has a flag and a purpose or  mission.

It has a regional territory and intervenes in other real countries via terrorist attacks.

It seeks recognition by politics. 

Though it is not yet a Sovereign State, despite trying to conquer countries in order to do so.

The United States of America is also a Micronation, the largest one on Earth before 1993. 

Any State that earns its reality by declaring independence is a Micronation; Sovereignty is granted by the original State it separated from.  England for instance never recognized USA independence, so USA still belonged to UK before 1993 (when UEIR took it).

M7, United Egyptian Imperial-Republic, Niihau Province, 2016.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

for asteroids?

Asteroids are a better target for American "Football." 

- Along with Diamond Glass Domes, Pyramids, and Emeraldium.

M7 2016.

Niihau colonies

The Kingdom of Ni'ihau has spread to California and Lanai over the past decade.  It is comprised of "over a hundred thousand acres" of territory according to classified Government sources.  Mostly this is just the foundation of the Kingdom.  Today I was visited by Jehovah Witnesses who reminded me of the sacred duty to build the Kingdom of Osiris on Earth once evil (the Caliphate) has been vanquished. 

M7 2016.

Olympics - snub?

The Olympics in Rio started today, but the Opening Ceremony was affected by the speech given by the President of the IOC, who had an "inferiority complex."  If he was actually referring to the UEIR is uncertain when he said "We live in a world where some people believe they are superior to others..."  From Facebook no doubt? Let the record show, other than Egypt and the USA, no delegates came from the Kingdom of Ni'ihau in this or any Olympics.  Our population and available resources prevent this.  The Kingdom of Ni'ihau is not Ni'ihau itself; Ni'ihau is the symbolic location, like Rome was for the Roman Empire. 

M7 2016.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

In the Stars...


The Star Constellations of Draco & Hercules are represented in various ancient religions:

Draco = Apophis the Dragon (Worm) as slain by Set (on Ra's Celestial Boat while traveling through the Duat), Set as slain by Horus, Satan as slain by Archangel Michael (Bible), Antichrist as slain by Christ wielding a lance (Quran), or Hercules (Greek) slaying the Dragon. 

Hercules = Horus spearing Set (Egyptian), Michael spearing the Dragon / Satan (Bible), Christ conquering Antichrist (Islam), Marduk vanquishing Tiamat (Babylon), etc.

The Virgin who gives birth to Christ is VIRGO Constellation. 

The Stable of Christ's birth is Capricorn Constellation, below Virgo. 

The Star of Christ's birth may be the North Star.

The Belt of Orion - or "3 Kings" - is the 3 Giza Pyramids of Egypt, built by 3 Kings (Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura).  These 3 Kings saw the "Birth of Christ."

The Northern Cross = Crucifixion of Christ. 

The Moon disappears for 3 nights and is "reborn" as a New Moon.  Christ resurrected after 3 nights. 

Virgo appears on December 25.  This is before the birthdays of 5 Egyptian Gods (using the Christian calendar) following the Winter Solstice. 

40 Days are the time it takes for mummification in Egypt, which may be related to a cycle of stars or the Moon. Jesus appeared after resurrection for 40 days, and Mohammad fasted for 40 days. 

Easter is the Spring Equinox, celebrated by eating eggs (Egypt), which represents a period of rebirth or renewal, as with Planting Season.  Egypt had 3 Seasons - Planting, Harvest and Flooding (New Year), of 30 day months + 5 days at the end of this cycle.  12 months of 30 days each = 12x30 = 360 + 5 added days (Birthdays of Osiris, Horus, Set, Isis and Nephthys).  Our modern calendar includes an extra "leap year" day (366) when available.

M7 2016.

Monday, August 1, 2016

real Holy War...

The Holy War against the Arab Terrorist States
Copyright © M7 2016. All rights reserved.

If you examine the effects of worship on a given population you will discover that energy levels are mostly high when not exerted by the pious.  Christians pray by concentration on an idea with eyes closed, then they ask for something; this reduces the effect once willed.  Muslims pray by surrendering or supplicating to their God, they do not ask for anything, so the energy builds up.  If they use this energy – such as asking for Rain to cure a Drought – there are massive floods; this effect is blamed on the target of worship (God), even though the energy came from the human population.  So this is why most Muslims say “God is Great.” 

If the Arab Terrorists in Iraq wanted a war of religion, why then do they use bombs and other physical weapons?  The fact of Islamic Prayer is much more powerful than their weapons; if organized correctly there would be no “Caliphate” once real Muslims prayed them to death via worshiping God and asking for an effect. 

Ancient people used statues and images for concentration on the idea necessary for an effect.  Christians have various images for this purpose, but Muslims do not and their worship of an invisible God is simply pure energy. 
What we need to combat the “Islamic” State is an organized Prayer service of all Templar Knight-Mages; people who can use prayer energy to destroy the Caliphate and other enemies of the modern world.  We need an Army of Mages.  So you can help.  By reading my Egyptian Magic books, you can rid the world of the evil that has befallen the world.  Once the Spells are learned, you can be a silent soldier and combat the enemy without needing to travel anywhere in particular. 
© Horus Michael M7, 2016.