Thursday, November 30, 2017

Egyptian Necromancy

Conquering North Korea with Egyptian Necromancy Kindle Edition
by Horus Michael (Author)

A collection of Egyptian Magic spells and knowledge necessary for causing an effect in Time. Excerpts from Amarna Eclipse and other books by the author are included.

File Size: 1099 KB
Print Length: 47 pages
Publisher: The Kingdom of Niihau, UEIR.; 1 edition (November 29, 2017)
Publication Date: November 29, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B077TN519D

M7 2017.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

News in America - the Women's Autumn

The Sexual Conspiracy is a "leg up."  From the bottom of page 145 in Amarna Eclipse, which started this epidemic, America is firing its leaders, actors, and news people for "alleged" misconduct - not factual misconduct.  You can now be fired for "touching a woman without her permission."  Freedoms in USA are no more.  You are now Slaves to the System.  The sword swings both ways.  You can also lose your life-style by "touching Pharaoh" on Telepsi without M7's permission.  Like the Arab Spring in the 2011 Middle East -- both epidemics were caused by - you guessed it - M7's Magic Books!  Now all that is in order is Conquering North Korea.  Kim Jong-Un's sister "died last night" though no one will report it because news agencies are covering the Sexual Revolution.

M7 2017.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Nov 26 = Tut-mas

November 26 is Tut-mas, the discovery or the opening of KV62 - Tutankhamon's tomb in Egypt. I celebrated it today by playing Skyrim all morning.  

I am the only celebrant because I am Tutankhamon incarnate.  

M7 2017.


The problem is on Earth, people worship story book characters or identify with story book characters.  Christmas is a byproduct of a story book character, originally from Ancient Egyptian sources.  Seponal is a story book character based on the author, not vice verse.  When I learned that Eye of the Pharaoh was stolen all I needed to prove is if people read it, so I identified with the character to see if that was the case.  The USA Government believes in the story.  They confiscated the royalties of the book when the author told them it was stolen property, but classified the book & author "top secret."  This is to prevent story-minded Muslim Terrorists from influencing the author, in reference to a later chapter of that book.  People in Arab countries execute people for discussing their stories in a bad light.  You have to get over that mindset. Stop killing people over stories! You are embarrassing entities of other planets or dimensions. Do you wonder why no one visibly visits this planet? They are afraid of your reactions.  They are afraid of your hostile reactions to stories. Close the Book and wake up.

M7 2017.

In addition, the validity of American Democracy is based on a "Creator" who gives "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" to the citizens.  Or allows humans to be "created equally."  Yet no Creator did so - it's all in the deluded minds of its Founders, who used the Bible to legitimize their separation from the Kingdom of England.  This does not support "Atheism" because anything with "-ism" in it is a religion, including any that "do not believe in Gods."  Real Gods preexist humanity.  You can call them Advanced Aliens.  Any religion-based human government is equally fallible in this regard. 

M7 2017.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Amarna Eclipse excerpt

Chapter 2: (Amarna Eclipse - Excerpt):
It is said, Life is like a Game.  In Life, you compete against others to achieve greatness of Spirit – by your actions.  Each action is valuable.  In time, you accumulate these actions and your soul is weighed against Ma’at to determine your future – your Score from that Game is based on positive actions for your earned reward – the Afterlife.

Positive actions (Good Deeds) earn points, while Negative actions (Bad Deeds) subtract points.  The entity that Weighs Souls is a black Jackal called Anubis.  His Employer was the First Good King of Ancient Kemt (Egypt) who was called Asar (Osiris).  The entity who records your score is called Toth (Thoth, Djehuty).  Ma’at is represented as an ostrich Feather, because she is light weight.  Your soul is represented by the Heart, because a pulse may determine if an action is beneficial (calm) or malignant (racing).  The Heart tells more than the Brain (as in Lie-detection). 

Once you pass the Judgment or Weighing of the Soul in the Celestial Courtroom, your Score may be spent like currency in the Duat (Egyptian Netherworld or Dimension).  The Netherworld is called that because Ancient Egyptians believed the Sun traveled underground at night, battling demons until it rose up victoriously or was spiritually reborn in the morning.  By this example, normal people are reincarnated or reborn by identifying with the Sun (Ra). 

Should you not pass the Judgment, the heart is given to the monster Ammot who gobbles it up and the soul is led by Set (Seth) to Aset Tchabet (Place of Punishment).  This place may have inspired Christian Hell because of descriptions of “Lakes of Fire with decapitated enemies tormented forever, and Demons carrying weapons.”


A List of Negative Actions and their Point Deductions:

Murder = -1000 points
Stealing = -100 points
Rape = -175 points
Assault = -200 points
Genocide = -5000 points
Harassment = - 75 points
Insults = - 70 points
Blasphemy = - 75 points
Not Paying Taxes = - 50 points
Bring False Witness, Lying = - 100 points
Gossip, Making Rumors = -75 points
Conspiracy = - 150 points
Traffic Violation = - 50 points
Technology Crimes = - 100 points
Terrorism = - 500 points
Destruction = - 300 points
Embarrassment = - 200 points
Rudeness = - 125 points
Cruelty, depravity = - 300 points
General Hostility = - 95 points
Riots = - 125 points
Anarchy = - 100 points
Neglect of Elderly = - 200 points
Neglect of handicapped = - 200 points
Pollution = - 300 points
War crimes = - 300 points
Desecration = - 200 points
Insulting a God = - 700 points
Abuse of Political Power = - 250 points
Abuse of Enforcement = - 300 points
Weapon crimes = -75 points
Illegal Drugs = - 70 points
Infringement (Stealing) = - 100 points
Sorcery = - 75 points
Espionage = - 100 points
Mockery, impersonation = - 75 points
Sex Crimes = - 175 points

A list of Positive Actions and Point Values:
Helping Elderly or handicapped = + 100
Cooking meals = + 10 pts
Curing Diseases or injuries = + 15 pts
Stop Market Manipulation = + 20 pts
Charity = + 10 pts
Offerings to Gods or people = + 10 pts
Positive Magic effect = + 40 pts
Repairing Technology = + 35 pts
Helping animals = + 25 pts
Not smoking near children = + 30 pts
Responsibility for actions = + 10 pts
Saving lives, Heroism = + 100 pts
Preventing Wars, Battles = + 150 pts
Arresting Criminals = + 40 pts
Correctly judging = + 30 pts
Conservation = + 100 pts
Respect = + 50 pts
Piety, reverence = + 15 pts
Protection = + 45 pts
Writing Fair Legislation = + 75 pts
Fixing broken items = + 25 pts
Preserving Relationship = + 50 pts
Peace Treaty = + 150 pts
Compensating an Author = + 100 pts
Compensating a theft of product = + 150
Arrest the guilty = + 175 pts
Release the innocent = + 75 pts
Good use of power = + 100 pts
Watering drooping plants = + 25 pts
Feed the hungry = + 45 pts
Clothe the needy = + 45 pts
Help the stranded = + 45 pts
Drink for the thirsty = + 45 pts
Home for the homeless = + 45 pts
Cleaning Pollutants = + 10 pts
Create music = + 10 pts
Comedy, Entertainment = + 7 pts

Copyright 2017 M7C, All rights reserved.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Fake News

Fake News:

New allegations have surfaced claiming Jesus Christ groped 3 women while he was crucified.  The claims were made by a group of women called the Three Marys.  Stores are debating whether or not to pull Christmas or Easter festivities in response to these claims.  

In later news, Akhenaton was accused by Nefertiti for kissing her without her consent.  That Akhenaton kisses everybody all the time is not unusual.  No word from the Pharaoh as yet.  

M7 2017

Friday, November 17, 2017

Where do we go from here?

Forms of Harassment:

1. Sexual Harassment - "S/he touched me without my consent."
2. Religious Harassment - "S/he prayed for me without my consent."
3. Political Harassment - "S/he violated my television or email with Political Ads without my consent."
4. Internet Harassment - "S/he posted or texted me without my consent."
5. Dating Harassment - "S/he dated me without my consent."
6. Relationship Harassment - "S/he talked to me without my consent."
7. Witchcraft Harassment - "S/he cast a spell on me without my consent."
8. Animal Harassment - "The human petted me without my consent."
9. Computer AI Harassment - "The human programmed me without my consent."
10. God Harassment - "The Living asked me for Divine Intervention without my consent."

M7 2017.

The real Isis is an Egyptian Goddess over 7000 years old.

People forget who the real Isis is.  They are too busy watching the News or CNN.

Isis is an Egyptian Goddess, wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.  She was venerated for her skill in Magic, for Protection, and as a Motherhood Goddess.  When Christianity started she was identified with Mary.  

M7 2017.

Monday, November 13, 2017

A republic of Kings

Redress: UEIR Gov. 2017.

1. In Summer 1992 the USA Gov. was making hostile comments to the UEIR, specifically to Sultan Marcaesar calling him the "Sultan of the Status Quo", and calling Seponal (Caesar) a "dictator and tyrant."  The UEIR responded with Environmental Manipulation (Weather; Hurricanes) and regime change in USA. 
2. On January 20, 1993 the USA Surrendered to "the Supreme, the Eternal, Sovereign Lord.." on television during the Inauguration of Pres. Bill Clinton.
3. The UEIR started ownership of USA since then (Classified top secret). 
4. The USA Gov. was informed to advertise for the UEIR using Consul M7's letterhead designs and other documents.
5. In July 2000 the UEIR acquired Niihau Island.  Other properties exist afterwards. The purpose is to build our country (UEIR), and this is not personal property of one person as is currently believed.
6. The original Seponal (Ptahkhamonra Nebkheperura II) returned to Duat, and Consul M7 became Pharaoh M7 of the Kingdom of Niihau (in Hawaii); formerly Consul of Iapana Province, UEIR, 1994-2000. 
7. Other countries were later annexed, including disputed Nations (North Korea - 1994, Iraq - 2002, Puerto Rico - 2017, etc.).
8. In 2011 the Democratic Revolution occurred in Egypt and later the Egyptian Military took over Egypt, both were caused by Pharaoh M7. Pharaoh M7 attempted to buy Egypt for $90Billion USD since then; the money was never refunded if disputed. All revenue came from UEIR Taxes.
9. The Kingdom of Niihau contains multiple islands or locations.
10. North Korea is threatening the UEIR in Hawaii. Consul M7 ordered regime change in North Korea in 1994 and 2011 by removal of their leaders.
11. The UEIR stopped sending documents in the postal service as that was for psychic experiments only.
12. Pharaoh M7 governs using supernatural abilities as he is Telepathic (etc.).

Copyright 2017 M7, All rights reserved.

When I was JFK...

Do you need Proof?

The CIA was working to kill Fidel Castro on the day John F Kennedy was assassinated, newly released files reveal.
The latest batch of JFK documents, published online on Thursday, contain details of a US plot to kill the Cuban leader with a lethal ballpoint pen.
Californian Pharaoh: A collective memoir. "The memory was still present, its images fresh from the vortex of life, still brimming with static energy waiting to be extinguished by dementia. The air was stale, I inhaled deeply. I remembered the agent’s own words: “left button will signal the agent to assassinate Fidel Castro. Right button will signal our man to take you out.” All right, it’s done. “Are you sure you want to do this Mr. President?” a woman asked. “I’ll just reincarnate someplace else,” I said. ... Then the car moved by the Secret Service man, who I waved down from the aisle. My right hand gripped the remote device in my jacket pocket. I pressed the left button; it was stuck. This was typical of the CIA technology. So I pressed the right one. Of course, that one worked. It’s always the right one, I thought to myself. The car neared the clearing. A faint memory lingered: “You can’t say Texas doesn’t love you, Mr. President.” Two shots fired. One hit my neck from behind. I urged my wife, Jackie, closer; I wanted to tell her something important. Then the second one hit my head; it felt like a Stroke. Then my body became limp as I broke free from my prison of flesh and blood. . . I floated up into the air, not looking back..." Copyright 2013 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved. Read this autobiography of the true reincarnation of notable personalities: Thutmose 3, Nebkheperura (Tutankhamon the Anointed One), Ramses 2, Siddhartha Gautama, the Chinese First Emperor, G. Julius Caesar, Joshua the Scribe, various Conquerors and Pharaohs, and President Jack Kennedy. All proceeds benefit the continuation of this life cycle and the United Egyptian Imperial-Republic, a secret country based on spiritual rebirth from the Egyptian Other World (Duat).

M7 2017.

Amarna Eclipse - Advertisement

Advertisement: Amarna Eclipse 2017

Egyptian Magic involved making offerings to the Deities, making them feel welcome with comments/flattery/positivity, ritually feeding/dressing/clothing/incensing the statues of the Deities like a person (unless they are incarnate as people), and upholding Ma’at by personal example of righteous conduct (upholding Law & Order, Justice, Truth, Honesty, and Stability). Other entities included Akhu (Angels), Demons (foreign Deities or evil Spirits), deified people (like Imhotep the Vizier of King Djoser, 3rd Dynasty), Ancestral Spirits, Animal Spirits, Tree Spirits, Weather Deities, Emeraldians, and other invisible forces. Repetition, Visualization, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Elemental, Chronokinesis, Clairvoyance, Life Force/Ka Spirit/Bio-Energy, Written Magic, Divine Utterances, Words of Power/Deity Names, Inertia, Mind Control, Necromancy, Astral Projection/Travel, Psychic Dreams/Visions, Omens/Divination, Attraction, Exorcism/Baptism/Purification, Healing/resurrection, and Counter Attacks are all elements of this doctrine. People have practiced Egyptian Magic for thousands of years, and later in disguised form as religion, as in Christianity. Jesus the Christ (QRST) said “God is Love.” He used Love as his Word of Power – the Word of God, and that he is the Son of God; in Egyptian vocabulary the word Mary is the word for Love, as Jesus was the “Son of Mary.” He used this word when healing people. In Egypt, the Names of Deities are Words of Power. You could read a stone tablet to unleash the power or Energy contained in the writings, pour water onto it, and drink this “energy water” to heal you. You can also immerse one’s self in “energy water” to cure bodily problems. Jesus performed Baptisms/Exorcisms to heal people from “unclean spirits.” Spirits were believed to be causes of disease as Germs were not yet discovered. Egyptians purified drinking water with a Natron solution. Natron is Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Bi-Carbonate and Sodium Chloride (Salt). It is used primary in making Egyptian Mummies or as toothpaste, as it kills bacteria. Apply Natron to the “energy water.” Most Alkaline batteries have salts in them, as one sees during a leaking battery. Bio-energy coming from the eyes/inside the head via reading a text (i.e. Wadjet Eye) activates the “energy water.” Energy has positive or negative charges. Emotions determine this. Anger & Depression are negative emotions that influence energy charges coming from your Ka Spirit. Storms are electrical and can be influenced by negative energy from one’s Ka. Other events like War, Riots, Violence, Earthquakes, etc. are caused by negative energy telepathically sent. When you pray, you are sending thoughts out. Love, Happiness, Friendship, Creativity, and Compassion are positive emotions with positive energy charges. Positive Emotions causes healing and attraction; heat from Bio-Energy helps with blood circulation. Amarna Eclipse (Union of the 3* Lands), Copyright 2017 (Pharaoh) Horus Michael, All Rights Reserved. I dedicate this book to Lady Maia.

•  Series: The KheriHeb Masters Series
•  Paperback: 314 pages
•  Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1.0 edition (October 13, 2017)
•  Language: English
•  ISBN-10: 197827033X
•  ISBN-13: 978-1978270336
•  Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.7 x 9 inches

Note: The Recent interest in Sex Crimes in Hollywood is from page 145 under the list of Negative Actions.  As I am Chronokinetic (a Deity), anything I write will affect Time and the Universe. 

M7 2017.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Amarna Eclipse

Title ID: 7689929
ISBN-13: 978-1978270336


Amarna Eclipse
(Union of the 3* Lands)

Uniting the World with Pharaonic Magic
Authored by Horus Michael
Edition: 1.0

Egyptian Magic involved making offerings to the Deities, making them feel welcome with comments/flattery/positivity, ritually feeding/dressing/clothing/incensing the statues of the Deities like a person (unless they are incarnate as people), and upholding Ma'at by personal example of righteous conduct (upholding Law & Order, Justice, Truth, Honesty, and Stability). Other entities included Akhu (Angels), Demons (foreign Deities or evil Spirits), deified people (like Imhotep the Vizier of King Djoser, 3rd Dynasty), Ancestral Spirits, Animal Spirits, Tree Spirits, Weather Deities, Emeraldians, and other invisible forces.

Repetition, Visualization, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Elemental, Chronokinesis, Clairvoyance, Life Force/Ka Spirit/Bio-Energy, Written Magic, Divine Utterances, Words of Power/Deity Names, Inertia, Mind Control, Necromancy, Astral Projection/Travel, Psychic Dreams/Visions, Omens/Divination, Attraction, Exorcism/Baptism/Purification, Healing/resurrection, and Counter Attacks are all elements of this doctrine.

People have practiced Egyptian Magic for thousands of years, and later in disguised form as religion, as in Christianity. Jesus the Christ (QRST) said "God is Love." He used Love as his Word of Power - the Word of God, and that he is the Son of God; in Egyptian vocabulary the word Mary is the word for Love, as Jesus was the "Son of Mary." He used this word when healing people. In Egypt, the Names of Deities are Words of Power. You could read a stone tablet to unleash the power or Energy contained in the writings, pour water onto it, and drink this "energy water" to heal you. You can also immerse one's self in "energy water" to cure bodily problems. Jesus performed Baptisms/Exorcisms to heal people from "unclean spirits." Spirits were believed to be causes of disease as Germs were not yet discovered. Egyptians purified drinking water with a Natron solution. Natron is Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Bi-Carbonate and Sodium Chloride (Salt). It is used primary in making Egyptian Mummies or as toothpaste, as it kills bacteria. Apply Natron to the "energy water." Most Alkaline batteries have salts in them, as one sees during a leaking battery. Bio-energy coming from the eyes/inside the head via reading a text (i.e. Wadjet Eye) activates the "energy water."

Energy has positive or negative charges. Emotions determine this. Anger & Depression are negative emotions that influence energy charges coming from your Ka Spirit. Storms are electrical and can be influenced by negative energy from one's Ka. Other events like War, Riots, Violence, Earthquakes, etc. are caused by negative energy telepathically sent. When you pray, you are sending thoughts out. Love, Happiness, Friendship, Creativity, and Compassion are positive emotions with positive energy charges. Positive Emotions causes healing and attraction; heat from Bio-Energy helps with blood circulation.

Copyright 2017 Horus Michael, All Rights Reserved.

List Price: $17.00
Publication Date:
    Oct 13 2017
    197827033X / 9781978270336
Page Count:
Binding Type:
    US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
    6" x 9"
    Black and White
Related Categories:
    Body, Mind & Spirit / Magick Studies

M7 2017.

Sunday, November 5, 2017


To cause Rain - simply Telepath (prayer)  the words: "Dua Tefnut AA di ankh hotepu" or a shorter version, "Dua Tefnut Ankh."  Rain should then occur within a week.  To stop the Rain, say: "Dua Ra AA di ankh per-thrw" or "Dua Ra Ankh." Also think about Water. 

M7 2017.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

A social epidemic

The recent interest in American social politics - "sex crimes" - is a social epidemic.  If people just want fame by creating these claims, or an actual crime was committed long ago and only recently revealed from fear of reprisal, only Time will tell.  BUT Humanity in itself is a sex crime.  The word  "Human" in Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs means a sexual expression (Hu + Min; Hu was the god of taste and Min was a fertility god with an erection). Man comes from "Min" and Woman means "Man plural" in Hieroglyphs.  This came from Biblical origins (Ancient Egypt). 

M7 2017.

Friday, November 3, 2017

The Universe is the Body of God in 11D...

Stars, galaxies, etc are found in your own body as elements of your physical form -- cells, antibodies, blood vessels, etc.  This repeats itself through several if not infinite forms, as seen dimensionally.  

Rather than look into the Universe to find a God, try looking from the Outside.  
Rather than look into one's body for a soul, try realizing that you are the soul within the body. 

A universe is a cell with a core nucleus that divided into multiple cells over time.  Cell Mitosis or duplication "big bang" theory, that the core exploded, caused cells to form.  These cells form a body.  That body is mortal and will eventually end, but its parts never do.  They recirculate into new projects.  God is the universes combined, and his People - the other Gods - are other groups of universes separate from each other.  The God Soul is the Mind of this universe

M7 2017.